2016-08-02 Meeting Minutes
Community Council: Eetu Kahelin
2016-08-31 05:00:04 UTC
Meeting held 2016-08-02 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting

**Attending: **pichlo, Win7Mac, eekkelund, reinob, juiceme

**Partial: **

**Absent: **

**Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):**

* Topic warfare replaced all SSL certificates
* Topic MC e.V.

**(Topic warfare replaced all SSL certificates): **

* All maemo.org certs should be replaced now as the others were to expire today (except wiki)

**(Topic MC e.V.): **

* GA meeting invitation posted
* juiceme has papers for tax-excemption status. He will print those out

**Action Items:**

* old items:
* Coding competition planning (eekkelund)
* Set up ftp/sftp site for CC (reinob)
* Create twitter account for maemo community(eekkelund)
* new items:

**Solved Action Items:**

* The next GA meeting should be announced soon.

URL: http://maemo.org/community/council/2016-08-02_meeting_minutes/